Our FGM Campaign

Female Genital Mutilation, FGM, is horrendous abuse and is usually performed on very young girls, and also on some young women.

There are different kinds of FGM abuse and CAMACA will not list the gruesome details here but only confirm that every type is cruel and unnecessary.

There are no medical benefits at all, in fact it is dangerous.

Almost always carried out by older women on young girls it is still being practiced Worldwide despite efforts to ban it and stop this ignorance and brutality.

Most of the girls are forced to be mutilated before the age of five years old, but it can happen at any age.

These girls and young women are scarred for life, physically and emotionally.

​Adverse effects include recurrent infections, difficulty urinating and passing menstrual flow, chronic pain, the development of cysts, an inability to get pregnant, childbirth complications, and fatal bleeding.

CAMACA applauds the excellent work that UNICEF has done on this issue, regarding education and prevention.

But far more needs to be done to eradicate this practice across the globe once and for all.

It is a criminal offense in about half the nations around the World but the other half has yet to catch up on this.

CAMACA says we need to make it not only illegal but a criminal offense in every nation across the globe.

There has to be custodial sentences for those caught practicing it and there already is in many nations on this issue.

​CAMACA applauds the nations who have made it a criminal offense and authorities who work hard to jail those individuals.

The UN could do more on this and add another Protocol to the CRC - the Convention on the Rights of the Child - specifically requiring every member state to make it a criminal offense and we urge them to do so.

CAMACA campaigns for this because we need to stop FGM.

Purge FGM everywhere.

This Campaign in Summary

1. Add another Protocol to the CRC - the Convention on the Rights of the Child - to make FGM a criminal offense in every Member State and compel members to ratify this Protocol.

2. Promote custodial sentences in all nations for those caught practicing it.

​3. Support lawsuits from victims against those caught practicing it to also punish them financially wherever possible.

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