Our Child Labour Campaign News

We have been asked if it's entirely necessary to boycott child labour companies in order to support this campaign.

​We'll repeat what our reply is to that question here on this News webpage - to make it clear once and for all.

Our answer is: Not strictly but we'd prefer that you do so if you truly support this campaign.

We haven't found a single product that cannot be replaced easily by another supplier who does not use child labour - and until we do so there is no excuse.

Don't forget what motivates these companies to use Child Labour

It would be preferable if we could persuade some or all of these companies to change their ways but so far they don't seem to be listening a great deal to the arguments.

We have another suggestion if you want to support this campaign in 'principle', but not with your actions.

If you know anyone who is a shareholder at any of these companies please alert them to this campaign and ask them to consider supporting it - and to raise it at the next shareholders meeting in support of real ethical change.

Freedom in Childhood builds the creative Hearts & Minds we need for our future.

Full Sentence Campaign
Full Sentence Campaign
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