Our Child Trafficking Campaign

Child trafficking is increasing everywhere across the globe.

​One reason is ongoing regime change wars, which have caused a massive movement of refugees in recent years.

Child trafficking is increasing with it, at an alarming rate and officials are struggling to cope.

Wicked and unscrupulous individuals are taking advantage of the growing refugee problem and not enough is being done.

Governments and agencies everywhere are failing to stem the tide and it's getting worse.

What is desperately needed is a special Commission, with a task force, to be created by the UN to deal with this horrendous problem.

Currently, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is combating human trafficking but there is no special Commission assigned to combat the massively increasing problem of child trafficking.

CAMACA says this is totally unacceptable and this needs to be dealt with globally and fast.

This evil trade must be stopped worldwide and the UN member states must put all their efforts into doing so.

A new Commission needs a task force of child specialists and investigators with special powers to intervene in nations that are not doing enough.

They need to have full powers of access with support from INTERPOL and the International Criminal Court.

CAMACA also calls for maximum sentences for child traffickers and for anyone who is involved in this sordid 'business'.

​Join us now in our Campaign against child trafficking.

An infinite chain of suffering can only be broken with Radical Action

This Campaign in Summary

1. A new Commission against child trafficking with a task force of child specialists and investigators with punitive powers to be created by the United Nations.

2. This new Commission to be given access to INTERPOL and ICC data files and full legal assistance.

​3. Sanctions to be applied on any member state not giving them full access and collaboration.

4. Promote hard sentencing for all child traffickers.

We also have a Special Report relevant to this Campaign

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Full Sentence Campaign
Full Sentence Campaign
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