Our UN Convention Campaign News

Some of our campaigns are long-haul campaigns and this is certainly one of them.

​We have no big breakthrough news yet on this campaign, and when we do we will publish it here.

We've had some good feedback - and enough support will grow for this campaign with patience and determination.

​Apart from this, there is an issue we want to address on this news webpage.

The UN Secretary-General António Guterres is a decent man.

Many of us across the world are quite angry with what we have been through during the pandemic and rightly so.

But along with a tide of 'anti-globalist' sentiment recently there is also a tide of anti-UN feelings going along with it.

Many people are even calling for the UN to be abolished and are accusing them of being 'globalist shills' or worse.

Let us be clear - this is not our view at CAMACA.

The UN is mostly a force for good with many good people who are doing their best for the children of the World.

UNICEF are a great example of what can be achieved.

But UNICEF shouldn't have to keep picking up the pieces of a failing Convention - so our CRC Campaign is crucial.

We can all do better in this life-journey and the United Nations are no different in that respect.

​We achieve more when we work together and find new ways that we can agree on.

The United Nations have incredible potential and can keep changing things for the better for children everywhere.

We invite them to support our CRC Campaign - because we are in this for the long-haul - and are here to stay.

The UN General Assembly are made up of people.
People who make mistakes like all of us do, but most who want to do good.

Full Sentence Campaign
Full Sentence Campaign
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