Our Social Media Campaign News

On 26 October 2023 the Online Safety Act became Law in the United Kingdom.

The Act takes a zero-tolerance approach to protecting children by making sure the buck stops with social media platforms for the content they host.

The Act places legal responsibility on tech companies to prevent and rapidly remove illegal and harmful content to children.

This is a world-leading bill and a magnificent victory for those of us who have been campaigning for it.

The UK Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan said:

"Today will go down as an historic moment that ensures the online safety of British society not only now, but for decades to come."

"I am immensely proud of the work that has gone into the Online Safety Act from its very inception to it becoming law today. The Bill protects free speech, empowers adults and will ensure that platforms remove illegal content."

"At the heart of this Bill, however, is the protection of children. I would like to thank the campaigners, parliamentarians, survivors of abuse and charities that have worked tirelessly, not only to get this Act over the finishing line, but to ensure that it will make the UK the safest place to be online in the world."

UK Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan has done an excellent job.

NSPCC Chief Executive, Sir Peter Wanless said:

"Having an Online Safety Act on the statute book is a watershed moment and will mean that children up and down the UK are fundamentally safer in their everyday lives."

"Thanks to the incredible campaigning of abuse survivors and young people and the dedicated hard work of Parliamentarians and Ministers, tech companies will be legally compelled to protect children from sexual abuse and avoidable harm."

Sir Peter Wanless of the NSPCC

"The NSPCC will continue to ensure there is a rigorous focus on children by everyone involved in regulation. Companies should be acting now, because the ultimate penalties for failure will be eye watering fines and, crucially, criminal sanctions."
This is a triumph and every nation in the World needs to follow this example.

We will be watching them.

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