Our Full Sentence Campaign News

​On the 17 October 2023 the UK Attorney General’s Office published that child sex offence cases saw the greatest number of prison sentence increases EVER by the Court of Appeal.

​The figures released as part the Unduly Lenient Sentence (ULS) scheme annual statistics show there were 23 child sex offence sentence increases. This was followed by 10 sentences increased for rape offences and 7 for cases involving grievous bodily harm.

Under the ULS scheme, anybody can ask for a Crown Court sentence to be reviewed if they believe it is too low.

Court of Appeal, at the Royal Courts of Justice in London

In total, 68 percent of cases that were referred in the last year in the UK saw the sentence increased - many of them significantly.

In the UK, this is a step in the right direction, and shows that they are listening to the public and to campaigns like ours, but much more needs to be done.

​These latest figures also show that some judges are still failing in the first instance to pass the appropriate sentence for serious crimes against children, but thankfully, their own system is catching up with them.

Judges are only human and make mistakes

We have discovered from our feedback that the overwhelming majority of the public support full sentencing campaigns like ours for child abusers.

​But much more needs to be done, especially in other nations around the World.

CAMACA will continue to make progress with this campaign and will keep this updated.

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