Our Full Sentence Campaign

Half-term sentences (early releases) are increasing everywhere.

They started with overcrowding in prisons and lawmakers who were desperate to find alternative solutions.

​So they started gradually, increasing year by year, even for very dangerous child abusers.

Most child abusers are terrified of jail because even solitary confinement and guard protection cannot always shield them from the anger of other inmates.

More importantly, victims/survivors only get a sense of closure when adequate sentencing is served upon their abusers.

Human Rights groups often campaign for shorter sentences, and some of them believe that prison doesn't even work.

CAMACA disputes the argument that prison doesn't work in every case, because it certainly does work as a deterrent for paedophiles and most specialists agree.

We have no problem with reduced sentences for harmless petty criminals in certain cases, if there is no victim of their crime, but it should NEVER include child abusers.

Police detectives and child welfare officers everywhere work hard to catch those individuals, so half-term sentences make a mockery of their work and is an insult to the victims/survivors - and their families.

It is time for an END to half-term sentences for child abusers, especially sociopaths who prey on children.

​They should serve a full sentence, with no early release.

The most serious cases of child abuse can be worse than murder, with the victim/survivor scarred for life and their families damaged beyond repair.

The long-term risk of reduced sentencing is that prison will no longer be a good enough deterrent for sociopaths who prey on children, and police and child welfare officers will become demotivated and demoralized and be far less effective in the field of their work.

The worst child abusers are extremely dangerous - and they lack remorse or a conscience, but they DO fear a long sentence in prison.

This Campaign in Summary

1. No early release for child abusers. 2. No parole for child abusers.

​3. Full sentencing guidelines to be followed in court for all child abusers, and whole life terms for the most serious.

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Full Sentence Campaign
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