Our Covid Campaign News

CAMACA is one of many voices on this issue, and one of many Campaigns to protect our children against mandatory Covid vaccines for healthy children.

So far, we are gaining ground but we must NOT get complacent.

Medical facts have proven us right and the peddlers of mandatory Covid vaccines for healthy children have since backtracked from their controversial mandate.

However, burning questions still remain that have not been answered or dealt with at all - and the media seem complicit.

The 'shocking' information above was released in December, 2023.

This information has been disputed and countered by the New Zealand authorities, who said it was not 11,000 'Politicians' and 'Elites' that were exempted - it was 11,000 Medics on the front line treating Covid-19 and giving vaccines to the general public who were exempted.

​Even if this rebuttal is true, it is hardly any better or more comforting.

​Because the BURNING QUESTION is: Why would Medics need an exemption if the vaccines were either 'safe' or 'necessary'?

​Another burning question is why aren't mainstream media journalists investigating or reporting any of this?

Big Pharma is Big Business - and their close colleagues own the Media

Clearly, we must remain vigilant, and never forget what certain authorities did and what they have gotten away with, so far.

​They tried to force the Covid vaccines on our children wherever they could and most nations went along with it.

We must never forget that many people across the World have died from these vaccines, including children.

The exact figures are hidden from us as the medical establishment closes ranks and refuses to publish the official figures of vaccine deaths for the public to see.

Furthermore, reports of rare blood-clots and strange tissue samples have been found across the World that haven't been seen before, and media aren't reporting on that either.

Will they ever be held accountable? ​

Military Courts like this one may be needed soon

The CEO of Pfizer has already been found guilty of misleading the public over the use of Covid vaccines for children by the British pharmaceutical regulator - the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA).

Most Government officials have also told us a catalogue of misinformation about the pandemic and the vaccines.

Official Covid inquiries have started but their emphasis is on criticising certain authorities over whether
enough was done, instead of focusing on the misinformation and the breach of the Nuremberg Code, especially regarding healthy children who did not need these vaccines.

CAMACA will keep this story updated as events unfold.

CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla lied to the public

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A Planned Pandemic

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