Our Covid Campaign

The Nuremberg Code forbids the mandatory use of medical treatments or vaccines. It is a cornerstone of healthcare ethics and human rights law across the World.

The Covid-19 vaccines should not be forced on anyone, especially pre-pubescent children.

Covid-19 is a real virus, but the mandatory passports and people losing their jobs (who refuse to be vaccinated) is against the Nuremberg Code.

CAMACA says that far more research needs to be done on this particular virus and the effects of the vaccines.

We have respect for some of the achievements of the worldwide medical establishment, especially against Smallpox, which was eradicated with tremendous efforts from the international community.

The elimination of Smallpox ​was one of the greatest achievements in medical history.

But let us compare; Smallpox was more contagious than Covid-19 and with up to a 50% mortality rate was a horrendous and devastating disease.

CAMACA does not make light of Covid-19 but points out that the Smallpox vaccines were never compulsory, yet we still eradicated it.

​The Smallpox vaccines were also tested thoroughly before being used on anyone, especially young children.

We don't know yet what these vaccines will do in the long term to pre-pubescent children.

At puberty our bodies change radically, with hormones creating whole new biosystems and since no-one knows yet what these vaccines will do to children entering puberty we say it's not worth the risk.

Additionally, some of the vaccines cause serious blood clotting in many people and young children have much smaller veins and blood capillaries, so any blood clotting factor could be extremely dangerous for them.

Several nations have even suspended some of the vaccines due to the harm already caused.

​Let adults choose to have the Covid-19 vaccines if they wish but do not force these vaccines on pre-pubescent children.

This Campaign in Summary

1. No Covid vaccines for healthy pre-pubescent children.

2. Big pharma companies and governments to be held to account (legally and financially) for any harm done by ANY of the various Covid-19 vaccines given to pre-pubescent children.

CAMACA will support any legal test case on this issue.

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A Planned Pandemic

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