Our Education and Awareness Campaign

Parenting skills and abuse awareness are easy to learn and to teach.

In the long term this is our most important Campaign because being a good parent is the most important duty in our lives and prevents so much child abuse.

Education and awareness are crucial for the development of adequate parenting skills and *prevention* of abuse is better than cure.

We campaign for parenting skills and abuse awareness to be part of every school curriculum.

Both these subjects are vital and the cycle of learned and copied abuse can be broken in many families.

​Some excellent books we recommend. All the basic knowledge in these books can be taught in school.

Parenting skills are a vital social skill and they translate to every aspect of life and could be included as a universal qualification with graduation merits.

They include skills such as anger management, coping with stress, being assertive, and basic communication.

They include provision and support knowledge, knowing what support is available and learning how to provide for your children and your family in difficult times.

They include practical skills, how to care for a baby and everything you need to know when your child is ill and needs the right medical help.

Everyone knows that postnatal classes after the child is born don't prepare parents for the challenge ahead.

Parenting skills can also be taught with an online program which would help for parents and tutors who choose to Home-School.

This is not 'nanny-state-ism', this is common sense.

We can teach our children "Latin" and "algebra" but we are not teaching them the most important skills they will ever need in their entire lives, lessons and knowledge that many of us do not learn from our own parents but only repeat their mistakes.

The cycle of domestic abuse and parental failure can be broken and it starts at home and in our education system.

The power of awareness is not only another skill that can be taught, it is a social 'revolution' that is already happening online and within popular psychology.

And never before have so many survivors of abuse started to speak out - and the internet and social media have enabled that to some degree.

But speaking out long after the event isn't solving the roots of the problem - although it certainly helps - and survivors who speak out are brave individuals who we will always support and campaign for.

A marvellous book about the Power of Awareness

The root of the problem in most cases is the lack of abuse awareness and how to discipline children positively, instead of negatively, or abusively.

Most child abuse is verbal, and from parents who lack abuse awareness skills and don't know any better.

This is a social skill and a vital subject that needs to be taught in our schools and education system.

The issue is often approached by some teachers and some good work is done, but far too little too late.

Child helplines are now advertised in schools, and rightly so, but are also a reminder that we are always picking up the pieces after the damage is done, instead of preventing it in the first place.

Children need discipline, but positive discipline. Every parent needs to read this.

This subject is more specialized than parenting skills and needs trained psychologists specially qualified in this area who can teach children how to recognize ALL the signs of abuse, in all forms, and what to do about it.

It is an awareness skill, but those who are especially vulnerable do not develop many of these skills until much later in life, if at all.

CAMACA says let us introduce abuse awareness as a compulsory subject in our education system and hire professionals to teach it and create a Home-Schooling program for it too.

Join us in this vital Education and Awareness Campaign.
Neuronal Networks in our brain create new connections as we learn new skills.

This Campaign in Summary

1. Parenting Skills and Abuse Awareness to be part of every school curriculum, plus an online Home-Schooling program for both subjects.

2. Both subjects to include graduation merits.

​3. Resources diverted from less vital subjects to pay for it - it's a matter of where our priorities should be.

Full Sentence Campaign
Full Sentence Campaign
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