Our Child Labour Campaign

Child Labour is no more than slavery where children are forced or compelled to work and paid a pittance wage. It really is child abuse.

The issue is complicated wherever abject poverty is rife, because impoverished families find themselves struggling to survive.

CAMACA understands this, but there are long-term solutions which are definitely achievable.

Remember that it was not so long ago that children were sent down chimneys and coal mines in Europe, and were in workhouses too.

The issue is solved in the long-term by development and progress in those nations still allowing child labour, but there has to be a political will and real effort from the governments in those countries.

Billions in foreign aid is wasted every year by corrupt governments who are not doing enough, or anything, to develop their own economies.

And the problem is exacerbated by trade tariffs and protectionism from richer nations who are not letting poorer nations compete.

The Five Pillars of Economic Development are easy to understand and any nation can do it if they want to - and are allowed to.

The Five Pillars of Economic Development:
1. Health. 2. Education. 3. Amenities. 4. Environment. 5. Technology

CAMACA applauds the Fair Trade Campaign efforts and their calls to lift trade tariffs from the poorest nations.

Quite simply, much of the foreign aid sent to the poorest nations is like a 'guilt' payment - an 'apology' for deliberately keeping them poor.

This duality has to stop and real change has to begin, with investments in people and their potential.

​It is a myth that there is not enough wealth in the World to share our trade fairly with each other and allow other nations to develop.

We can find trillions for pointless wars, which is money down the drain, apart from the children who are killed in those wars.

Economic Development is not an elusive mystery - It is simple mathematics and application.

Tragically, most governments in the poorest nations are extremely corrupt and have little incentive to change anything, they prefer the status quo.

They will only change with real pressure and the best leverage we have on this issue is
Consumer Power.

Boycotting​ every multi-national that uses child labour in those countries is not difficult, it is very easy to do.

​The multi-nationals argue that we cause more child poverty by boycotting their products, which is deflection, because other companies produce the same products without child labour, so it is an economic choice they make to maximize their own profits.

If boycotts didn't work they wouldn't try to ban them.

Here is a list of the worst offenders who use child labour.

Apple, Disney, Philip Morris, Toys R Us, H&M, Forever 21, GAP, Nike, Zara, Urban Outfitters, Adidas, Walmart, Uniqio, Victoria’s Secret, Cadbury, Nestle, Hershey’s, Mars, Kraft.

We encourage everyone to boycott their products and spread the news to everyone.

There are many others but these are the worst.

It is not difficult to boycott these companies, there are alternative products to ALL of theirs which are available everywhere. They've had decades to change their ways, but they refuse to.

They choose to be like this

Hit them in the pockets - it's the only language they understand - and remember that politicians and lawmakers have stocks & shares in these companies who shamelessly use child labour.

The principle must be upheld that every child has a fundamental RIGHT to an education -
childhood is for learning and playtime - which makes a better World for us all.

Join us on this Campaign and make a difference.
Freedom in Childhood builds the creative Hearts & Minds we need for our future.

This Campaign in Summary

1. Lift all trade tariffs on the poorest Nations - under strict conditions that they use the extra benefits to develop their own economy with the Five Pillars of Economic Development and monitor them carefully to ensure that they really do.

2. Make a commitment to the Fair Trade Campaign.

​3. Boycott every multi-national that uses child labour and spread the news about each company to everyone.

Full Sentence Campaign
Full Sentence Campaign
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