Our Child Trafficking Campaign News

Sadly, there's hardly any good news on this so far. In fact, the issue is getting worse again.

For the 10 years before the Covid-19 pandemic the number of child trafficking victims identified worldwide had more than quadrupled.

During the pandemic, the number of trafficking victims fell dramatically as travel restrictions made human trafficking more difficult, but they are now back at pre-pandemic levels in 2023 and early 2024 and are rising again.

Perhaps the only positive to the travel lockdown was the effect it had on Human Trafficking

The last year has been a failure on this issue by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) which is the main UN agency combating child trafficking.

The only 'good' news is that on 8 November 2023 at their annual meeting - ICAT - the Inter-Agency Coordination Group Against Trafficking in Persons - issued a "Call to Action" for the "implementation of comprehensive measures to prevent child trafficking and protect the victims of this rapidly growing crime" - they said.

The ICAT group is co-ordinated by UNODC and were formed in 2007 and are merely a policy forum mandated by the UN General Assembly.

The UNODC Executive Director, Ghada Waly, said on Nov 8, 2023:
“Shielding children from the horrors of human trafficking is a shared global responsibility. I welcome today’s 'Call to Action' as an important step forward in our efforts to end the heinous exploitation of children and to protect future generations.”

ICAT's "Call to Action" is good but our 4 point plan is what is ultimately needed.

UNODC have proven they are simply not up to the job, and ICAT's belated "Call to Action" will not go far enough.

The UN needs to support CAMACA on this issue.

​An infinite chain of suffering can only be broken with Radical Action.

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