A Report on FGM

A New Precedent

​​Seven Years Jail for FGM Crime

On 16th February, 2024, a woman was jailed for seven years for handing over a British toddler for FGM abuse in Kenya, in a legal first.

Amina Noor, 40, from Harrow, north-west London, was sentenced for assisting a non-UK person to carry out the procedure overseas 18 years ago - setting a new legal precedent.

Noor became the first person in the World to be convicted of taking someone to another country for FGM abuse.

Mr Justice Bryan, sentencing her to seven years at the Old Bailey, described the crime as “truly horrific and abhorrent”.

The judge said he hoped the victim’s “bravery” would encourage others to come forward to report incidents.

FGM is a criminal offence in Kenya - but authorities there failed to catch her.

The Judge continued: “Female genital mutilation is a vile offence resulting in the violation and permanent injury to a woman’s body, with lifelong adverse consequences.

“Those that perform, or who aid and abet the performance of such mutilation need to know that very substantial sentences of imprisonment will be the norm, as appropriate punishment, and to deter others from such vile practices.”

Noor, at age 22, travelled to Kenya with the toddler in 2006 and took her to a private house where she was subjected to FGM abuse.

Mr Justice Bryan said: “No woman would abandon a three-year-old girl to such a fate unless they were cruel-hearted, callous and devoid of all compassion and humanity.”

Mr Justice Bryan

The crime only came to light years later when the girl was 16 and confided in her English teacher at school.

Jurors were told that Noor was born in Somalia and moved to Kenya at the age of eight during the civil war in her home country. She was aged 16 when she came to the UK and was later granted British citizenship.

The victim, who is now aged 21, cannot be identified for legal reasons.

Speaking outside the Old Bailey following the sentencing, Detective Superintendent Andy Furphy told reporters: “I hope today’s sentence acts as a real deterrent to those who choose to harm children in this way."

“More importantly, I hope that we can use this result as an opportunity to continue to raise awareness of this topic, ensuring victims know that there is support and help out there.”

Detective Superintendent Andy Furphy addresses the media outside the Old Bailey after the sentence.

“I hope today’s sentence acts as a real deterrent to those who choose to harm children in this way."
Amina Noor on her way to the Old Bailey Court

CAMACA Conclusion

CAMACA salutes Mr Justice Bryan for his sentencing and his comments on this case - he shows great awareness and has applied commendable and appropriate sentencing.

CAMACA also applauds Detective Superintendent Andy Furphy and his colleagues and all the prosecution team who worked on this case.

CAMACA only needs to add that this woman should serve her full sentence and not be allowed parole or early release, in our view.

The outcome of this case is excellent news and sets a new precedent in Law that FGM abusers can be hunted down and brought to justice wherever they are - even many years after the abuse.

Every nation in the World needs to take note and FGM abusers need to heed the warning that this brutality will no longer be tolerated.

Full Sentence Campaign
Full Sentence Campaign
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