A Report on Austria

A Nation in Denial

​​Josef Fritzl - A Case that Shocked the World

​In March, 2009, Josef Fritzl pleaded guilty to rape, false imprisonment, manslaughter, and incest, in the most shocking case of child abuse Europe has ever seen.

He began sexually abusing his own daughter, Elisabeth, when she was just 11 years old, and Fritzl later imprisoned her in a hidden cellar in the basement of their home in Amstetten, Lower Austria.

She was held captive there for 24 years, where she was physically assaulted, sexually abused and raped repeatedly by her father, Fritzl.

The Fritzl House in Amstetten, Austria

The ongoing rape and incest resulted in the births of seven children - all fathered by Fritzl - but one died and was cremated in secret by him.

He was only caught years later when the eldest daughter/granddaughter needed medical attention and the medical staff grew suspicious that something was wrong and they alerted the police.

He stood trial for the murder of the infant Michael, who died shortly after birth and who Fritzl cremated, and he was also charged with rape, incest, kidnapping, false imprisonment and slavery.

Amstetten Hospital - where staff grew suspicious and alerted the police.

Additionally, Fritzl had a history of violent sexual abuse.

​Years before, he raped a young nurse at knife-point threatening to kill her and was only sentenced to 18 months for it, only serving 12 months.

In accordance with Austrian law, his criminal record was deleted after 15 years and when he applied to adopt and foster Elisabeth's children, which were also his own, the social service authorities allowed him to do so.

Fritzl raped others years before but was not charged for it and was the prime suspect in the brutal murders of two teenage girls but was not charged due to an apparent lack of evidence at the time.

Fritzl pleaded guilty to his domestic crimes against his daughter and their children and was given a life sentence in March 2009 but with a minimum term of only 15 years.

In 2024, he is due to be released in March on parole, after serving just 15 years.

A psychiatrist says he's ill and no longer a threat - which is beside the point of what sentencing and punishment are all about.

Lawyer Astrid Wagner - She wants Fritzl freed.

Josef Fritzl kept his own daughter as a sex slave for 24 years and fathered seven children with her, apart from his other crimes, and may serve only 15 years.

Read our next two stories and conclusion at the end of this shocking report.

The Natascha Kampusch Case
Natascha Kampusch was abducted in Vienna, in March 1998, at the age of 10, and was imprisoned in a secret cellar for more than eight years.

Her kidnapper, Wolfgang Přiklopil, meticulously planned the whole venture, building the secret cellar and soundproofing it, with the entrance to it concealed behind a cupboard.

There were no windows in the tiny cell, and it was reinforced with steel and concrete to prevent escape.

During her imprisonment Přiklopil often beat her so badly that she could hardly walk and he would often starve her to make her physically weak and unable to escape.

Natascha was also raped by Přiklopil and repeatedly threatened with murder during her whole imprisonment.
The House in Strasshof where Natascha was kept prisoner for over 8 years
On occasion, Natascha was allowed upstairs in the house, but only under the close supervision of Přiklopil, who threatened to kill her if she even tried to escape.

​It wasn't until 23rd August 2006, after more than 8 years, that Natascha managed to escape, when Přiklopil was distracted elsewhere.

​Natascha ran to a neighbour and the neighbour immediately called the police.

Přiklopil escaped in his car and jumped in front of a train at a local train station in Vienna that same night, killing himself to avoid the consequences.
Few pictures remain of Wolfgang Přiklopil - the clearest one still available is from his driving licence.
After Natascha was reunited with her family she agreed to go public due to the massive media interest in the case.

​She has since written a book about her ordeal, which was also adapted into a film in 2013, titled "3,096 Days".

​Some psychologists have suggested that Natascha suffers from 'Stockholm Syndrome' due to a small degree of pity that Natascha has expressed for her abuser in her book.

Stockholm Syndrome is common among many victims of abuse but this is not the crucial point regarding this case.

The Austrian authorities confirmed that Přiklopil would only have served a maximum of 15 years in jail if he had been caught and this is the crucial point.

The Hans and Barbara Fischer Case

School in Spittal an der Drau, Carinthia. Hans Fischer taught here.
On 27th June 2022, Hans Fischer and his wife Barbara Fischer were both sentenced to 18 years in total for torturing and violating their daughters.

Hans Fischer was a head school teacher, and his wife Barbara claims to be a spiritual teacher and medium and they live in Upper Carinthia, with another home in Vienna.

The abuse against their two daughters was carried out for over 10 years, starting from kindergarten age until puberty.

The girls were tortured, beaten, sexually abused and raped for more than 10 years and the mother, Barbara Fischer, was involved in the abuse.

Spittal an der Drau, a small town in Carinthia, Austria

The case was tried at the Klagenfurt Regional Court, in Carinthia, Austria.

​As the details came out in Court, some of the Court staff were in tears.

The Judge said, "We have seldom heard of such suffering before" and a specialist called it "unimaginable horror".

The jury were unanimous and the Judge sentenced the school teacher Hans Fischer to 10 years in jail and Barbara Fischer to 8 years in jail.

The couple appealed against the length of their sentences but both of the sentences were upheld by the Supreme Court in Vienna who carefully re-examined all the details and evidence of the case.

Convicted Paedophiles and Child Torturers Hans Fischer and his wife Barbara Fischer

The daughters now live elsewhere and prefer to remain anonymous, with new names and new lives.

They are obviously traumatised by their ordeal and have severe psychological damage according to the Court appointed psychologists.

​Both Hans Fischer and Barbara Fischer are in jail but will be eligible for full release after serving only two-thirds of their sentence but will be released even earlier on parole.

​Public reactions were unanimous in calling for higher sentences for both, despite the fact that the media didn't report it properly - giving them anonymity - even after sentencing.

Their identities were only leaked by word of mouth and so the public in Carinthia discovered the truth about this case.
Read our Summary and Conclusion next.

CAMACA Summary and Conclusion

Shortly after the Kampusch and Fritzl cases shocked the World, the Austrian Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer said he planned to launch an "image campaign" to restore the country's reputation abroad.

​What he meant was a PR exercise to deflect from the issue, because what really happened afterwards in Austria was more than just an "image campaign" as their government went into near panic mode.

Alfred Gusenbauer - Chancellor of Austria, launched an 'image campaign' - instead of dealing with the child abuse problem with proper sentencing and reporting.

The rural regions of Austria depend on tourism - the best ski resorts during the winter - beautiful mountain lake resorts during the summer.

Their economy was due to suffer badly if tourists started to avoid Austria, so they did much more than just an "image campaign", they gagged their own media from reporting properly on paedophile cases.

Rural Austria depends on tourism

Every child abuse case report since has been diminished, where paedophiles are given complete anonymity, not even named or pictured, even after sentencing.

And it worked. No other country's media are interested in reporting any foreign stories where the paedophiles are not even named or pictured.

This is what is happening in Austria now and their media are complicit while their authorities remain in denial.

Apart from weak sentencing, Austria is creating a haven for paedophilia with the media 'blackout' that they have foolishly implemented.

Austria's media have been gagged
By gagging their own media Austria are ignoring the root cause of their paedophilia problem and are exacerbating it - making it far worse.

Among the CAMACA Team is a professional psychologist who explains:
"The root cause of Austria's paedophilia problem is the long-term promotion of Freudian psychology which has subtly polluted their collective psyche."

"Carl Jung, once a student of Freud, totally rejected Freud's psychology as sexually perverted and dangerous."

"Freud was obsessed with sex and incest, and created a myriad of excuses to explore every whim, regardless of the consequences to others and the self."

Carl Jung knew Freud's work better than anyone - and eventually rejected it as false, perverted and extremely dangerous.

"Repressing *healthy* desires can indeed be damaging - but not every whim and perverted thought should be encouraged or acted out, which is why we have morality and decency within our true selves."

"Freudian psychology won't turn someone into a paedophile who doesn't already have those tendencies, but it empowers the paedophile to be far more aggressive and take more risks. And with the wider population it creates complicity and weakness towards paedophilia and sexual abuse.
" End of quote.

Until Austria purges Freudian psychology from their society their child abuse problems will get worse, inadequate sentencing will increase, their media will continue to be gagged - and they will remain in denial.

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