A Special Report on Covid

A Planned and Controlled Pandemic

​​"When do we deploy the new variant?"

In February, 2023, the Journalist Isabel Oakeshott released and shared some of the WhatsApp messages from the former UK Government Health Minister Matt Hancock regarding the Covid pandemic.

The details of the conversation between Matt Hancock and his advisor Damon Poole reveal that Covid-19 was used as a lockdown tool and was 'weaponised' against the public.

The connotations of this are staggering and are far worse than many people imagined about the Covid pandemic.

​Study the conversation below and see what was said.

The most incredible comment is; "When do we deploy the new variant."

Deploy means; to move, spread out, or place in position for some purpose (in the Dictionary) and Hancock knows that well.

The media have played this down, saying that he only meant, "When do we 'reveal news of' the new variant".

This is NOT what he meant at all and they know it.

This was about the deployment of a variant of Covid-19 to ramp up the pressure on the public to take the vaccines and all the boosters.

How much did he know - and when did he know it?

The conversation was obviously about a potentially more lethal variant which was 'deployed' upon the World.

​So this was a Worldwide operation and governments across the World must have been synchronised with it.

What on earth has been going on and why aren't the MSM investigating the full truth about this and what it means?

Read our Conclusion below and make up your own mind.

CAMACA Conclusion

The conversation above between Matt Hancock and his advisor Damon Poole reveals a hidden agenda within government at the highest levels.

Hancock admitted the conversation was factual and angrily retorted that the leak by Isabel Oakeshott was a "massive betrayal" by her.

CAMACA says it was no 'betrayal' at all but an act of great public service by Ms Oakeshott who may well go down in history because of it.

Crucially, 'deploy' can never mean 'reveal news of' and anyone who speaks fluent English knows that.

They were talking about the forthcoming deployment of a variant of Covid-19 and how to plan and time their public announcements accordingly.

​This was a Worldwide operation so who else was privy to this and how many governments were involved?

Big Pharma is Big Business - and they control Governments

This also raises the question: What is really in the vaccines?

Why were they so desperate to force these vaccines upon us for a virus with less than a 0.1% fatality rate which didn't prevent that anyway?

CAMACA has researched extensively what the vaccines may contain and there are so many theories and opinions it is a minefield out there.

From spike proteins caused by mRNA to graphene oxide nanoparticles and other toxins it is impossible to determine exactly what is going on, so far.

​Only time will tell, but it is obvious that certain government elites are hiding the full facts and that they released several variants upon us in order to force lockdowns and Covid-19 vaccines upon us.

Why did they do this to us and to our children? What is going to happen and who will hold them to account for what they have done to us all?

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Full Sentence Campaign
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